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PAN Avalon - UK - Sun Bioregion - Lunar Moon Report

Blue Crystal Eagle - Gamma 24

PAN Avalon began its crystal days again after the summer break ( Thanks to Kita for hosting). It was a great one with song, poetry, shamanic drumming and a reading from David, Planetary Mirror from his new book about Avalon. Call 01458 835808 for the location of the next one.
We were also active in a supporting the creation of PAN Bristol this moon and setting up a series of workshops and events for the coming moons.

PAN Unity Works, London
Sun. 25 Sep - Limi 3.6 - Red Solar Serpent
A day long interactive playshop that makes learning the 13 Moon Calendar and Dreamspell a fun and memorable experience. All proceeds go towards the development of Wavespell.net.
For more info: Wavespell.net

Our big project down here for the Electric Moon is the creation of dedicated PAN space. A workshop unit has become available in The Old Clinic, the building which currently holds the Planet Art Publishing office- although this space has been outgrown.

The new space is envisioned to do the following:
1. Provide an office for Planet Art Publishing to aid in the creation and distribution of 13:20 calendars and tools.
2. To provide an editorial hub for planetartnetwork.info  with high speed broadband internet access.
3. To provide a demonstration space for the tools; telektonon, mystery of the stone etc.
4. To create a 'Time is Art' space where art and craft related to PAN activities can be made.

If you would like participate in helping to create this space we will be holding a TIME IS ART PAINTING AND RESTORATION EVENT to launch the space.
White Magnetic Dog (Electric 11) to Yellow Electric Human (Electric 13) - That's the weekend of 30 Sept to 2nd Oct in the Gregorian.
Come and help manifest the PAN mini-hub into 3D!

Also we are open to receive funding and donations for the upkeep. The basic rent is very reasonable (around 200 a month) and the building is ethically mortgaged and eco conscious ( so only eco paints allowed!). Contact us if you can offer support this way. Our wish list includes a reasonably modern computer and printer, preferably a Mac (needs to be able to run OSX).

We would also like to see this become a focal point for  a kin exchange programme which is already (informally) underway.

Would you like to visit Avalon and participate in a mutual exchange we can provide basic accomodation (short term) and good wholesome food in exchange for input into PAN? We are especially open to those who want to share earth wizard practise or other 13:20 skills and info. Many 13:20 pilgrims are already coming to this sacred centre of Albion. By keeping this circulation going throughout the winter moons we can keep creativity and inspiration high too.

It would be good to hear from other PAN nodes that would like to participate in this.

In Lakech
PAN Avalon

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©Año Torumenta Resonante (2013)
Fundación para la Ley del Tiempo