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PAN Australia - Wind/Night Bioregion - Self-Existing Moon Report


"Wandjina means ancient ones, primordial, beyond beginning, right? And what this whole operation is about is correcting and working with psychogenetic patterns, psychogenetic recall, right?" Art Planet Chronicles

+Yellow Crystal Sun Wanjina Dreamteam, Lore 4 Sun and Peace=One 8 Sun hit the road for global peace caravan, launching from Rainbow region, Byron Bay, Blue Night Bioregion, Yellow Resonant Seed, magnetic silio 21.  Lore 4 Sun bringing Wanjina knowledge as Galactic Federation emissary of light, Peace=One 8 Sun visionary of One Rainbow Bridge project, film and website.

+PAN Australia flowering nicely in the global 13moon garden, attracting 300 or so kin to a 4 day festival for the Day Out Of Time, Blue Crystal Night.  Big activations following this event including the donation of land for beginning of 13:20 community near Nimbin in the rainbow region.  Also the founding of Peace Central, temporary headquarters for the 13moon calendar peace plan in Australia, PAN, the Aboriginal Unity Bus and the Byron Peace Carnival.

+PAN now co-ordinating activities with aboriginal tribal unity creating rainbow dreams, blessed by Bunjalung elders given the name Bundarum, which translates to butterfly dreaming, elder Aunty Marlene saying that our soul group forming rainbow rings around the earth like the wings of a butterfly

+Crystal meeting held in a tipi in rainbow region on the Yellow Crystal Warrior, called by Arundi 12 Warrior.  Galactic tribal activation occurs, aboriginal brothers join the meeting, understanding the purpose and potential of 13 moons.
"sitting around here in this sky-zenith circle, don't we form a mandala, a gathering, a society, right? And in order to manifest skillfully in the human world of the Art Planet, we must take on a name and profession. Right?" - Art Planet Chronicles

+Lore 4 Sun + Peace=One 8 Sun activate Wanjina walkabout dream sequence, hear calling to somehow make it to Switzerland for the international crystal skulls conference on the self existing wizard.  We make rainbow serpent trail down the east coast of Australia, visiting PAN nodes and kin in Newcastle, Sydney, Starfield Wombat, Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra, and Melbourne.

+PAN Hunter : Rhythmic Moon in Newcastle still working on Evolution Embassy projects, Rhythmic Monkey looking to set up more 13moon study groups.

+Starfield Wombat : 13:20 community south of Sydney down to two founding residents, Wombats still chomping grass.

+Sydney : Galactic World-Bridger in Sydney moving forward with New Time theatre
projects, talk of childrens education programs and 13:20 food kitchens

+Canberra : Aboriginal tribal unity movement becoming stronger, difficult political climate for indigenous Australians, word that elders are calling for tribal unity, prophecies of the end times brought to light, Peace walk of 500 tribes to converge on Uluru sometime in the Resonant Moon. It appears to us that the ancient ones, the Australian aboriginal people, the first people, are getting active and mobilised and they reminded us of what the elders have been speaking that they are the original people, it began with the aboriginal and will return to the aboriginal hmm Lore 4 Sun recalls having heard that sometime before

+Melbourne : Reports from bookstores encouraging as they are selling out of 13moon calendars faster than they can get supplies.  This brings up the issue of distribution, with no clear avenues of getting resources out to stores.  Regular Crystal Meetings being held in Melbourne.

+Lore+Peace=One fly out of Melbourne on the evening of the Yellow Lunar Human, having arrived in Melbourne, the womb of the great southern serpent, on the Red Crystal Moon, we spend the whole of the void harmonic in the womb, our southern trajectory from the Rainbow region being like the pulling back of the bow, we fling out of the land of the dreamtime, crossing the equator as the Red Electric Skywalker dawns for perfect North South Alternation sequence.  Thanx to Commander Star Light 5 Monkey for galactivation of desert elders blessing and ochre ceremony on the magnetic monkey.

+Lore+Peace=One celebrate the Victory of Prophecy as Wanjina walkabout peace tour hits a high trajectory for our pulsar wing formation [4sun,8sun,12sun] carries rainbow serpent energy into the sun bio-region for planetary sorcery weaving.

+We arrive in Switzerland at the crystal skulls conference also attended by Carl Calleman 3 Earth, and Lydia 9 Storm from Guatemala.  Interesting that Carl 3 Earth is the guide for the day.  We witness Carl 3 Earth spreading negative vibes and untruths about the Dreamspell in what appears a ploy to bring attention to his work by discrediting Valum Votan, though its very obvious to us hes very limited in his thinking.  Our presence seems to have a naturally dissolving influence on this negative vibe as we model Dreamspell consciousness as galactic cultural ambassadors.  Carl 3 Earth spreading fear in the name of the Maya, to which we bare witness the truth of Dreamspell and the global unity being created by the 13 moons.

+Lydia 9 Storm has come to Switzerland with three ancient crystal skulls from the Maya and a prophecy of a weaving to occur in the heart of Europe.  We receive word that the height of the storms, that created such devastation in Switzerland before we arrived, had peaked at about the same time we were in the desert ochre ceremony in Melbourne, I contemplated this as I look at my red clothes and feel the solid ancient desert ochre still on my body.

+the prophecy sent to Europe by the Mayan elders in Guatemala through Lydia 9 storm ringing loud bells in our ears with similar stories we heard from aboriginal elders.  Lydia 9 storm is very graceful in her protectorate of the skulls and prophecy she speaks a clear message and is looking for signs of Quetzalcoatl.

+Wanjina dreamers Lore+Peace=One are both in 9 Eagle years, our alternation pattern, we are born 260 days apart, so from our eagles view we uncover a shroud of  agenda around the skulls movement regarding money and ego.  Through radiating our Solar light, it is revealed to me in a vision that there are many elements to the prophecy of the weaving in the heart of Europe.  As I walk the land I hear messages from the spirits, the rainbow serpent from the south is connecting and activating this northern land.

+I also receive a vision from the skulls that the Dreamspell has a function of helping the elders in the Mayalands to remember their ancestors.  This is a big story with much more to report as it unfolds watch this space Lydia 9 Storm is very connected and concerned with a particular Mayan ancient skull that holds the prophecy of 2006, this skull shoots rainbow spirals from its eyes into me during a ceremony, Lydia 9 Storm suggests we need to meet the elders.  She tells me the elders are asking for help, I ask what do they need help with, and she replies they want to remember their ancestors, I tell her of my vision.

[Dreamspell-Long Count] correlations are actually indications of good opportunity for time travel and rearrangement of the synchronic order fixing the future. Valum Votan, Rinri project Phoenix Edition

+We are involved in further earth energy based activations for the star gate over the Sun Bioregion, we welcome a visit from the Galactic Federation, 10 kin gathering in the Swiss forest with a group holon of Yellow Crystal Sun.  We then head to London following the conference, sharing a ride to the airport with Carl 3 Earth, his superstitious ramblings and fear of the Dreamspell makes me realise the power of the Dreamspell in dissolving fears, historical perspectives and stabilising the conscious matrix.  We think that Carl 3 Earth is a pretty cool bloke however, and invite him to work closer with PAN, perhaps Peace=Ones relentless dreamspelling around Carl 3 Earth helped him to relax and realise its all fun, unifying and consciousness raising, well see!

Rainbow Serpents Solar Eagle View

+The Wanjina brothers weave the rainbow serpents song into London on the Galactic Mirror to news of hurricanes in America, our next destination.  We stay at Unity Works with some wikid PAN activities we are really inspired by the galactic culture flowering and a cool 13 moon diary with a funky Aussie flavour having been produced. http://www.unityworks2012.org . We share some dreamtime stories and galactivate with an Aussie flavour, Peace=One sounds the call and joins the band with some didge.

+We spend my birthday, Lunar 9, in Avebury and witness a miracle in the sky at stone henge, fulfilling a vision of grounding the rainbow serpent with sovereign indigenous spirit weaving with the Celtic lands.  We are denied access to the stones, and all around us a storm flashing lightening, though another Victory of Prophecy celebration as the Yellow Planetary Sun sets over Stonehenge

+We stay at the Temple of the Divine Mother in Galstonbury, thanx to KhiDeva 5 Star for all her beautiful blessings.  We meet with Mark 8 Wind and Geoff 9 Skywalker and share dreamtime stories.  Mark tells us about the new PAN website, and loads us up with resources for the journey.

+Next stop Scotland,  Philippe 5 Wind heralds our arrival and we meet with Ormagandr 1 Mirror and Raahsirus 13 Eagle.  We head north to Aberdeen where we meet with Kathleen 6 Mirror and her collection of skulls and knowledge of the galactic masters.  The galactic mystery deepens with many further revelations and activations.  Thanx to Lynda 11 Wizard for fun trip up the Magdelene song lines.

+The Scottish lightworkers and PAN Scotland charged up our flight with the torch of life and the Arcturian Shield Program.  Im interested by the connection of Scotland to Australia, antipode energies of the earth, having also worked with the galactic federation on what Ive been referring to as the Arcturian shield protectorate.  It was great to reconnect with Philippe 5 Wind who was a big activator for PAN Australia and now our host and guide in Scotland.  Having Scottish blood its always nice to reconnect with the land of my ancestors  http://www.spirit-of-yggdrasil.com/page1.aspx

+Next stop Amsterdam in the heavenly Netherlands on the day of the Planetary Skywalker for the unfolding of another prophecy.  We activate another earth energy portal in the middle of Amsterdam, connecting it to all the points of the rainbow serpent journey.  The Planetary Skywalker revelation global PAN agents Wanjina walkabout tour

Planetary Skywalker a Victory of Prophecy
Peace=One 8 Sun,
Amsterdam, Electric Moon

+ On the road now for 32 days together, what a journey it is.  We stayed with Carmen 2 Hand, visiting the esoteric bookshop shes been helping set up.  Really great to see the good work shes been doing getting Dreamspell calendars out with a global vision and a big heart.  We discovered further revelations about the synchronicities of the appearance of crop circles and the unfolding of events on this trail, inspiring further research

+More inspiration to be had through the meeting we had with PAN UR crew.  These Dutch kin have a grand view here in the Sun Bioregion doing big activations with workshops and seminars across Europe.

+During the Holland trip we settle into a town near the German border where Peace=One 8 Sun finally gets www.onerainbowbridge.com online.  It speaks for itself so check it out!

+Wanjina walkabout lands in San Francisco on the Red Self-Existing Skywalker, Electric Silio 14.  We stay with Mouse 9 Mirror and Vivian 9 Monkey in their 13:20 vortex in the haight area.  It doesnt take us very long to realise that San Francisco is a very galactically activated place!  Mouse 9 mirror providing a good safe space for kin to ground, we get creative with lots of kin in town including Dhamarah 8 Wizard, Ananda 13 Mirror, Summer 8 Dog and so many more.

+PAN meeting held, first for the bay area in a while, at Mouse + Vivians.  Great vibes and connecting in a social and fun way.  Some music, bread making and ritual leaves us all with a great galactic charge and inspiration for further activations.  Click here for pics of United States of Life www.onerainbowbridge.com/The_ORB_News_Archive.php

+Lore+Peace=One arrive in Ashland for visit to the Foundation for the Law of Time.  Cultural Ambassadors arriving at the Hunab ku of 13 moon movement.  Lots of activating discussions and fun with the FLT crew and an inspiring meeting with Valum Votan and Red Queen, we make further trips and learn about the Noosphere II And ARTECOOP projects.

+Its great to see the dedicated kin in action at the foundation, was a good process to understand what is going on in Ashland and to strengthen the communication we have with our monkey bioregion kin.  Thanx to Tim 4 Dog and Dianne 12 Wind for being fun hosts.  Thanx to Claire 8 Mirror for all her help and inspiriation.

+coming soon on the Wanjina Walkabout trail Lore+Peace=One launch the Crystal Sun Revelations live online, check www.onerainbowbridge.com for further revelations as they unfold Yellow Crystal Sun Galactivation, San Francisco http://www.akashic-records-sf.com/flyer.html Ceremony of the Fifth Sun Biospheric Congress, Rainbow Region, Dreamtime biospherica Resonant Moon

some of this report exerts from Galactic Dream Songs II : Further in Time

love and inlakech

Lore 4 Sun
Soulore Solaris

Red Solar Earth
Overtone Seli 2
Monkey Bioregion
Yellow Cosmic Seed Year

Klatu Barada Nikto! The Galactic Federation Comes in Peace!

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Fundación para la Ley del Tiempo