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Zuvuya Surfin Sirian Song –
A time is Art report coming from You through Me

I sit on the sand of my self of bodies and see

The fresh waves of the  Ocean of the Galactic Mind coming continuosly

Wash me, pass through me and become me

Earth wizard learning

Let the waves come

Become you

When the tide returns and the wave rise

Zuvuya surfing spirit flight

Time knows better than me

Where, how, when and with who

My soul knows better than me

My souls knows the time

My soul of time


 2008, 2009,2010,2011,2012 wow!

The feel is intenifyng!

 can we travel through the walls of negativity

  to the enlightened sphere of the clear noospheric mind?

It never happened before and it never will!

 It just happens Right Now!

  Just Now

 When there’s No Time to Think

  Only your spirit will survive

   When there’s No Time to stop and think

     Only One spirit will survive


It always Does

What is going on in the Zone of the Moon?

 Contact Improvisation Dance Gatherings are rising Conciuss Telepathy

   Bodies in Contact

    Silent Minds



 Everybody together, One body in Time

  Every Each expression of One Soul

   Alive and Smiling


 Yes, if you watch the news, you read newspapers

  You talk to people on the bus

   You take this world for granted

     Then you get loose on Someone else’s mind!

 Global Warming will be stopped

  If we just get in charge

   Of our own dreams

     Of our own minds

 And love

 Love light

  Love life

   Love creation

 From the core of our awareness

  To the purity of our self-created visions


Love from who we really are

 And the rest will just disappear

   Just dissapear

Love Money if you need it

 Or love you destiny if you see it

A Raimbow Gathering full of love and magic

  And Fears and phantoms and Demons!

   Yes, they were also there

     And we love them cause we learn from them

In the city 13:20 sitting in the university

            A galactic experience

 Airplanes Messengers flying over our heads

            Peace Flags, raimbow banners,

 Rise our hope, rise our will, rise our power, rise our words

 Some three our four Galactic Stations in the City

   Pulsing and spreading vibrating thoughts of harmony

      Wishing to come back

 To the World as One

            The Original Experience

 Every time, every day, every kin at every moment

            Our minds gets clearer and detached from misconceptions

                        A light that continuosly intensifies is felt

                                    As love and conciussness understanding time

Letting it be

The Plan is fulfilled

Cause the whole plane is there

Just to let it be

Remove obstacles of thought

            And let the light shine through

                        God is working radial don’t try to understand it

                                    And understand it

Art is our goal so don´t get angry, anxious or sad

            Understand who you are and who we are

                        Right Here, Right Now

                                    Release, the Moon, the stars, a ray of light

We will be performing on the city

            We will be knocking at the doors

                        We will be spreading our art

We are circling, circling together

            We are coming together silently

                        We are new at every moment

                                    We are inside your mind

And we shine.

May we feel our eternal bright.

May we all dance to our here and now.

May we all understand who and what we are.

Waves of peace coming from inside our hearts.

A pulse.


177 Red Galactic Earth

6.27 Yellow Cristal Sun

Ps: It would be great to have a list of who and where is sending magnets, meditating the cubes, moving (or being moved by) Telektonon, uncoding the 441.

            Raise your hand Planetary Kin, let us organize our telepathic net!

            Let us have a New Beginning!

Check: 2009 wants peace!

Pd2 Buenos Aires: Ressonant Gama 3 Yellow Electric Seed

                        Estudio masivo libre y gratuito de todos los niveles de la Ley del Tiempo

                        Massive Free study of all levels of the Law of Time

                   @ Aldea Velatropa, Ciudad Universitaria, on the back (there’s a swimming pool)

                                    (Donations accepted for Aldea Velatropa)

                                    Ressonant Silio 7 Yellow Ressonant Star

                                                Magic Turtle Mutual Training:

                        How to impact the collective subconciuss

                                    No Time Skywalker

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©7 Moon Year (2013)
Foundation for the Law of Time