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Day Out of Time Report
kin 213 Red Overtone Skywalker

Bioregion of the Moon
PAN / RAP La Plata, Merlin's Crystal

In an area called La Plata, Kin 45 Red Rhythmic Serpent

If there was a learning resonated Celebration Day Out of Time, the Earth is calling us to the construction of collective spaces.

This celebration was said space in the coordinates of the streets 71 and 17 of the city of La Plata (45 kin Red Rhythmic Serpent) which runs a Cultural Center, before the railway station. Behind is a beautiful venue in the open where we anchor our energies.

Kinich Ahau received us as holding the pulse of our consciousness, to the immense clouds and rain incipient, perhaps a reflection of the work that remains for us to perform the purification of the emotional body and mental discipline.

Recalling the 7 Points of Mind Training of Atisha, were all tested.

3 - Do not be swayed by external circumstances.
This point is made very strong, as from the weather which had peak wind, rain, thunder and cold, until all the "programming" prepared and suspended. Let's say we were "able to keep our internal cold no matter what happens on the outside."
The illusion presented an overview scattered and messy, but it was only illusion, and this made it possible for every one that we went to the sweet voice of Gaia and approach to celebrate, we give our best humor and cooperation.
We are deeply grateful to all.

Here we also include the points 1 and 2:

1 - Consider all phenomena as dreams.
"Everyone thinks that whatever he is doing is the most important thing in the world..."
And it was important, why?, because the earth and not by us. The “we” only matter when we become a Conscious Collective, The No Names.

2 - Be grateful to everyone.
"Be grateful to those who are giving you an obstacle to practice your patience, tolerance, even your creativity."
Here neither the patience nor the tolerance is presented as an obstacle, but if creativity.
Having to "release schedule" (almost like meditation), opened the space for the flourishing of creativity, spontaneity and exercise Cristal.
Each activity, from the fire ceremony, the ground work for families in meditation, the dances we thought impossible to make up the song inspired by the Circle, was in deep cooperation.

It was all very natural and harmonious, thanks to all.

4 - Do not give returns to the lack of others.
The ego could have made that point to complain and get caught up endlessly, not producing anything but meanness. The scenario was presented to the delight of the ego, as some of the activities the same day and canceled without notice.
In these rings the RAP La Plata is holding the celebrations, this growth was manifested in several ways. At other times these "mishaps" had been terrible, breaking down our basic goodness.
On the contrary we are very grateful that time has raised us an opportunity to mind-creative (spanish playing words) experiments.
We are very happy about this too.

6 - lies all the time in a cheerful mind.
The joy was the center of the celebration, despite the "anti-time."
We accepted their flowing nature phenomena, but not behind the phenomena of our Mind-Monkey.
We danced and sang around the fire with no purpose, that led to the joy that radiated the Circle.

5 - Explore the nature of Consciousness Unborn.
Groups were formed by earth family, and a small meditative experience, each shared intentions for the ring.
We shared in the larger circle with a representative voice of the family.
We appreciate the beautiful intentions and willingness pressed the Heart.

7 - Do not expect a warm ovation.
The conditions just were not presented to a standing ovation, but the ego is always waiting for something, a crumb.
We hope to have done the best we could, and we really enjoyed it.

Finally, share an observation as Earth Wizards.
There are many situations that cause us to rethink a road race, an ideology, a link etc, but to discover the law of the time, having the purpose of cleaning your emotions, your mind sort, and finally awakening to the cosmic purpose which brought us in Service changes everything. There is no point of return.
And as one Being Beautiful said "we are here half awake half awake, but We Are All the Same"
Beyond the "three-dimensional detail," this celebration is an important point in time, and it is for all the Earth’s Wizards.
Valum Votan's Spirit is with us all because we are one, and his departure is a threshold of Infinite Joy and Grace.
We, the Magicians of the Earth, we the Nameless honor Valum Votan for having the courage of a true warrior Rainbow to Dream the Dream of the Earth.
Thank you for your tireless search for your unconditional surrender only to the Voice of One
Thank you for your Art Cosmic woken Oblivion.
But the thing about all thanks for your tender heart, your heartbeat guide us in the Closing of the Cycle.

Thanks also to the unconditional service of the Red Queen.
May we follow with humility and dedication, as you did with Valum Votan, your guide to the Second Creation.

Cosmic Mother bless us and hold in your sweet embrace for the Creation of the Planet Art Work.

In Lak'ech
Bioregion of the Moon
PAN / RAP La Plata, Merlin's Crystal

(pictures in facebook group 13 lunas-La Plata)

Cristal de Merlin
Biorregión de la Luna
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